So it begins, again...

Not gonna lie, this is probably my 5-th time starting a blog since 2018...

So it begins, again...
Photo by Ian Schneider / Unsplash

Not gonna lie, this is probably my 5-th time starting a blog since 2018. Here's the cycle: I started a blog, I wrote a few blog article, then I left it behind. If someone is curious enough to search on whois, this very domain,, was first registered back in 2019. Given my track record on blog writing, will I give up, like, again? Probably. But hey, it is a new year, so why not?

Here's a definition of new year resolution, and yes I said a lot of things, too. (Urban Dictionary)

What inspires (triggered / tempted) me to write again?

I was driving to pick up my Chinese takeaway, and I have recently acquired a new habit of listening to podcast (not so recent) or audio books (read more: shit I listen when I am stuck on Victoria Road) as I have poor taste in musics, and I like to read. I have come across with the bestseller self-help book, the Atomic Habit. I am only one chapter in (it was a short ride), but the book has already caught my attention on several interesting points, especially, on how we can make small little and positive steps to actually lead to a significant change over time. And what strikes me most, is how James starts his writing career from writing twice a week, and slowly gaining readers from all over world.

I have no intent to become a bestseller writer.

But I do want to write. So on my way back home with my takeaway, I started to reflect on myself on why did I fail in my previous attempt to write a blog. Here's what I think:

  1. I care too much about how others think about me.
    English is not my mother tongue, and I doubt I will ever write like Malcom Gladwell, or Stephen King. But who cares? This is my blog, and I write shitty English (Spoiler alert: occasionally I may write in Chinese too.) I don't have to be the best, I just have to build up the habit to write, starting now.
  2. I want to build a brand, not writing.
    "The best tech blog" was my previous goals, and turns out I don't really think that's how sustain my writing habit. Instead of writing things for a specific group of audience, I should write about things I really enjoy learning, and at my own pace. If this blog turns out to be a great hit, great, if not, it is fine. It is just my personal space that I am willing to pay US$9 per month to keep it running.
  3. I pushed myself too hard to create quality content all the time.
    I used to be a staff writer at an online media, and I occasionally does editing works. And full disclosure, I honestly hate shitty content, especially when you have no evidence to support it. But now that I have oriented my goal as to providing myself a space to write. So while I will try to keep my content with a acceptable level of quality, I will sometime write shit like this blog post.
  4. I made excuses.
    I am too tired, I am too busy - yeah yeah. To avoid this, I will try to start from writing twice a week, and if I have enough idea, I will try to write more. No promise though ;).
  5. I try to make big leaps, instead of take it step by step.
    Similar to 2, I want to always create the best content, having the fanciest theme, and get all the tech shit sorted, but ignoring the most important component of blogging, the content. My main foucs now would be shifted to writing, instead of the less important thing. In short, this is an on-going MVP.

I am going to keep this short...

Writing was my passion, I gave it up before, but I really want to pick it up again. As starter, I will try to publish twice a week, I will write about content that I really enjoy (to learn), things I think that are important, the main theme would likely to be on AI, tech and mental health.

Until then, see you next time. Ciao.